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A Wish Upon A Star- LI3204
Single Family Home
Description of Property at
3204 Little Island Road
When you stay at "A Wish Upon a Star" all your vacation dreams come true in Sandbridge Beach! Vacation at this fabulously appointed and furnished beach mansion, which is outfitted for weddings, reunions, corporate retreats or just the chance to get the whole family together. Boasting approximately 6000 square feet of living space and over 2000 square feet of decks, this home's layout creates effortless entertaining in one of the nicest settings in Sandbridge. Multiple seating and game areas offer intimate interaction while the house itself is large and spacious enough for large gatherings or events. Six Master Suites offer privacy and just some "me" time while the dining table is large enough for meetings, reception dinners or to get the whole family together for a celebration.
This Virtual Tour was Provided courtesy of Virtual Tidewater